package sample; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.Properties; public class SimpleApp { private String driver = "org.h2.Driver"; private String protocol = "jdbc:h2:"; public static void main(String[] args) { new SimpleApp().go(); System.out.println("SimpleApp finished"); } void go() { loadDriver(); Properties props = new Properties(); props.put("user", "sa"); Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement psInsert = null; Statement s = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { String dbName = "h2DB\\db"; conn = DriverManager.getConnection(protocol + dbName, props); conn.setAutoCommit(false); s = conn.createStatement(); s.execute("create table location(num int, addr varchar(40))"); psInsert = conn.prepareStatement("insert into location values (?, ?)"); psInsert.setInt(1, 1956); psInsert.setString(2, "Webster St."); psInsert.executeUpdate(); rs = s.executeQuery("SELECT num, addr FROM location ORDER BY num"); while(rs.next()) { System.out.println("num="+rs.getInt("num") + " addr=" + rs.getString("addr")); } s.execute("drop table location"); conn.commit(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { printSQLException(sqle); } finally { try { if (rs != null) { rs.close(); rs = null; } } catch (SQLException sqle) { printSQLException(sqle); } try { if (psInsert != null) { psInsert.close(); psInsert = null; } } catch (SQLException sqle) { printSQLException(sqle); } // Connection try { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); conn = null; } } catch (SQLException sqle) { printSQLException(sqle); } } } private void loadDriver() { try { Class.forName(driver).newInstance(); System.out.println("Loaded the appropriate driver"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { System.err.println("\nUnable to load the JDBC driver " + driver); System.err.println("Please check your CLASSPATH."); cnfe.printStackTrace(System.err); } catch (InstantiationException ie) { System.err.println("\nUnable to instantiate the JDBC driver " + driver); ie.printStackTrace(System.err); } catch (IllegalAccessException iae) { System.err.println("\nNot allowed to access the JDBC driver " + driver); iae.printStackTrace(System.err); } } public static void printSQLException(SQLException e) { while (e != null) { System.err.println("\n----- SQLException -----"); System.err.println(" SQL State: " + e.getSQLState()); System.err.println(" Error Code: " + e.getErrorCode()); System.err.println(" Message: " + e.getMessage()); e = e.getNextException(); } } }