ここでは、SQL Developer がカラム定義一覧を取得しているSQLを紹介します。
SQL Developer のテーブル カラム定義一覧では以下のSQLが発行されています。
select * from ( select c.column_name, case when data_type = 'CHAR' then data_type||'('||c.char_length||decode(char_used,'B',' BYTE','C',' CHAR',null)||')' when data_type = 'VARCHAR' then data_type||'('||c.char_length||decode(char_used,'B',' BYTE','C',' CHAR',null)||')' when data_type = 'VARCHAR2' then data_type||'('||c.char_length||decode(char_used,'B',' BYTE','C',' CHAR',null)||')' when data_type = 'NCHAR' then data_type||'('||c.char_length||decode(char_used,'B',' BYTE','C',' CHAR',null)||')' when data_type = 'NUMBER' then case when c.data_precision is null and c.data_scale is null then 'NUMBER' when c.data_precision is null and c.data_scale is not null then 'NUMBER(38,'||c.data_scale||')' else data_type||'('||c.data_precision||','||c.data_SCALE||')' end when data_type = 'NVARCHAR' then data_type||'('||c.char_length||decode(char_used,'B',' BYTE','C',' CHAR',null)||')' when data_type = 'NVARCHAR2' then data_type||'('||c.char_length||decode(char_used,'B',' BYTE','C',' CHAR',null)||')' else data_type end data_type, decode(nullable,'Y','Yes','No') nullable, c.DATA_DEFAULT, column_id, com.comments from sys.all_tab_columns c, sys.all_col_comments com where c.owner = :OBJECT_OWNER and c.table_name = :OBJECT_NAME and c.table_name = com.table_name and c.owner = com.owner and c.column_name = com.column_name order by column_id ) sub1 order by 1 asc
USER_TAB_COLUMNS から取得する場合には以下のようにすることができます。
select * from ( select column_id, c.column_name, case when data_type = 'CHAR' then data_type||'('||c.char_length||decode(char_used,'B',' BYTE','C',' CHAR',null)||')' when data_type = 'VARCHAR' then data_type||'('||c.char_length||decode(char_used,'B',' BYTE','C',' CHAR',null)||')' when data_type = 'VARCHAR2' then data_type||'('||c.char_length||decode(char_used,'B',' BYTE','C',' CHAR',null)||')' when data_type = 'NCHAR' then data_type||'('||c.char_length||decode(char_used,'B',' BYTE','C',' CHAR',null)||')' when data_type = 'NUMBER' then case when c.data_precision is null and c.data_scale is null then 'NUMBER' when c.data_precision is null and c.data_scale is not null then 'NUMBER(38,'||c.data_scale||')' else data_type||'('||c.data_precision||','||c.data_SCALE||')' end when data_type = 'NVARCHAR' then data_type||'('||c.char_length||decode(char_used,'B',' BYTE','C',' CHAR',null)||')' when data_type = 'NVARCHAR2' then data_type||'('||c.char_length||decode(char_used,'B',' BYTE','C',' CHAR',null)||')' else data_type end data_type, decode(nullable,'Y','Yes','No') nullable, c.DATA_DEFAULT, com.comments from user_tab_columns c, user_col_comments com where c.table_name = :OBJECT_NAME and c.table_name = com.table_name and c.column_name = com.column_name order by column_id ) sub1 order by 1 asc"
SQL Developer のビュー カラム定義一覧では以下のSQLが発行されています。
select c.column_name, UPPER (c.data_type) || case when (c.data_type='VARCHAR' OR c.data_type = 'VARCHAR2' OR c.data_type='CHAR') AND ( c.data_length <> 0 AND nvl(c.data_length,-1) <> -1) then case when(c.char_used ='C' and 'BYTE' =(select value from nls_session_parameters where PARAMETER='NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS')) then '(' || c.char_length || ' CHAR)' when(c.char_used ='B' and 'CHAR' =(select value from nls_session_parameters where PARAMETER='NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS')) then '(' || c.data_length || ' BYTE)' when(c.char_used ='C' and 'CHAR' =(select value from nls_session_parameters where PARAMETER='NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS')) then '(' || c.char_length || ')' when(c.char_used ='B' and 'BYTE' =(select value from nls_session_parameters where PARAMETER='NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS')) then '(' || c.data_length || ')' else '(' || c.data_length || ' BYTE)' end when (c.data_type='RAW') then '' when (c.data_type='NVARCHAR2' OR c.data_type='NCHAR') then '(' || c.data_length/2 || ')' when (c.data_type like 'TIMESTAMP%' OR c.data_type like 'INTERVAL DAY%' OR c.data_type like 'INTERVAL YEAR%' OR c.data_type = 'DATE' OR (c.data_type = 'NUMBER' AND ((c.data_precision = 0) OR NVL (c.data_precision,-1) = -1) AND nvl (c.data_scale,-1) = -1)) then '' when ((c.data_type = 'NUMBER' AND NVL (c.data_precision,-1) = -1) AND (c.data_scale = 0)) then '(38)' when ((c.data_type = 'NUMBER' AND NVL (c.data_precision,-1) = -1) AND (nvl (c.data_scale,-1) != -1)) then '(38,'|| c.data_scale ||')' when (c.data_scale = 0 OR nvl(c.data_scale,-1) = -1) then '('|| c.data_precision ||')' else '('|| c.data_precision ||',' ||c.data_scale ||')' end data_type, decode(nullable,'Y','Yes','No') nullable, c.DATA_DEFAULT, column_id, com.comments, c_update.insertable, c_update.updatable, c_update.deletable from sys.all_tab_columns c, sys.all_col_comments com, sys.all_updatable_columns c_update where c.owner = :OBJECT_OWNER and c.table_name = :OBJECT_NAME and c.table_name = com.table_name and c.owner = com.owner and c.column_name = com.column_name and c_update.column_name = com.column_name and c_update.table_name = com.table_name and c_update.owner = com.owner
USER_TAB_COLUMNS から取得する場合には以下のようにすることができます。
select c.column_id, c.column_name, UPPER (c.data_type) || case when (c.data_type='VARCHAR' OR c.data_type = 'VARCHAR2' OR c.data_type='CHAR') AND (c.data_length <> 0 AND nvl(c.data_length,-1) <> -1) then case when(c.char_used ='C' and 'BYTE' =(select value from nls_session_parameters where PARAMETER='NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS')) then '(' || c.char_length || ' CHAR)' when(c.char_used ='B' and 'CHAR' =(select value from nls_session_parameters where PARAMETER='NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS')) then '(' || c.data_length || ' BYTE)' when(c.char_used ='C' and 'CHAR' =(select value from nls_session_parameters where PARAMETER='NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS')) then '(' || c.char_length || ')' when(c.char_used ='B' and 'BYTE' =(select value from nls_session_parameters where PARAMETER='NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS')) then '(' || c.data_length || ')' else '(' || c.data_length || ' BYTE)' end when (c.data_type='RAW') then '' when (c.data_type='NVARCHAR2' OR c.data_type='NCHAR') then '(' || c.data_length/2 || ')' when (c.data_type like 'TIMESTAMP%' OR c.data_type like 'INTERVAL DAY%' OR c.data_type like 'INTERVAL YEAR%' OR c.data_type = 'DATE' OR (c.data_type = 'NUMBER' AND ((c.data_precision = 0) OR NVL (c.data_precision,-1) = -1) AND nvl (c.data_scale,-1) = -1)) then '' when ((c.data_type = 'NUMBER' AND NVL (c.data_precision,-1) = -1) AND (c.data_scale = 0)) then '(38)' when ((c.data_type = 'NUMBER' AND NVL (c.data_precision,-1) = -1) AND (nvl (c.data_scale,-1) != -1)) then '(38,'|| c.data_scale ||')' when (c.data_scale = 0 OR nvl(c.data_scale,-1) = -1) then '('|| c.data_precision ||')' else '('|| c.data_precision ||',' ||c.data_scale ||')' end data_type, decode(nullable,'Y','Yes','No') nullable, com.comments from user_tab_columns c, user_col_comments com where c.table_name = :OBJECT_NAME and c.table_name = com.table_name and c.column_name = com.column_name order by c.column_id";