<details open> <summary>Accordion 1</summary> <p> Flamingos are known for their bright pink feathers and distinctive long necks. These birds are social creatures that live in large groups, and a group of flamingos is called a flamboyance. They can often be seen standing on one leg, which helps them conserve body heat. </p> </details> <hr /> <details> <summary>Accordion 2</summary> <p> Flamingos are known for their bright pink feathers and distinctive long necks. These birds are social creatures that live in large groups, and a group of flamingos is called a flamboyance. They can often be seen standing on one leg, which helps them conserve body heat. </p> </details>
<details open> <summary role="button" class="outline">Primary outline</summary> <p> Flamingos are known for their bright pink feathers and distinctive long necks. These birds are social creatures that live in large groups, and a group of flamingos is called a flamboyance. They can often be seen standing on one leg, which helps them conserve body heat. </p> </details> <hr /> <details> <summary role="button" class="outline secondary">Secondary outline</summary> <p>...</p> </details>
<article> <header>Header</header> Flamingos are known for their bright pink feathers and distinctive long necks. These birds are social creatures that live in large groups, and a group of flamingos is called a flamboyance. They can often be seen standing on one leg, which helps them conserve body heat. <footer>Footer</footer> </article>
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